Eight Tips for Healthy Aging
Here's to the golden years - a time of life when seniors can enjoy retirement and a more relaxed lifestyle. It can also be a time for serious health issues if you don't take very good care of yourself. Health experts agree that certain behaviors can help increase longevity. So, consider these tips for healthy, happy, graceful aging.
Make exercise a daily routine
No matter your age, finding ways to stay active is important to your health and can reduce your risk for developing hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and other medical conditions more common in older people. Aim for 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise. Get moving with a brisk walk, yoga class, bicycle ride, dancing or yard work. Exercise can also improve strength and balance, ease anxiety and depression, and help you sleep better.
Break the bad habits
There's no time like the present to drop unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, overindulging in alcohol and eating poorly. If you have had trouble making this kind of modification before, talk to your doctor or get advice from community resources or someone who's already conquered the same issue.
Practice mindful eating
Think about what you eat and choose foods that are lower in sodium and higher in fiber as you age. Seniors generally need fewer calories, so fill up on fruits, vegetables, proteins and whole grains. For bonus points, seek out farmers markets to shop for fresh, local food. And don't forget to drink plenty of water. Hydration helps flush toxins from the body and has other health benefits.
Get your zzzzz
Many seniors become early risers as they age. Just be sure you are consistently getting a good night of sleep - about 7 to 9 hours every night. Sleep disruptions and conditions like sleep apnea can harm your health, so if you are having trouble sleeping at night, talk to your doctor.
Take up a hobby
You'll likely have more time on your hands in your senior years, so find a way to put those hands to work. Enjoyable hobbies, like gardening, cooking, fishing, doing puzzles or playing pickleball can help keep your mind and body in shape, reduce stress and provide a greater sense of purpose.
Stay sharp with technology
Smartphone apps can boost your mental health and memory. Try out Luminosity, Sudoku, Wordle or other logic games to improve cognitive function.
Make some connections
Loneliness and social isolation has been linked to numerous health issues - so make an effort to connect with others. Staying in touch with family and friends, joining a club, enrolling in a class or volunteering your time at a local school, hospital or charitable organization can help fill your time and your heart.
See the doctor
Keep up with regular check-ups, health screenings and vaccinations if you want to stay healthy as you age. Early detection of health conditions offer the best chance for successful treatment. So, get all of those important appointments onto your calendar and don't delay care if you develop new symptoms or health concerns.
And here's a little good news about aging. You are not alone. The number of Americans 65 and older is projected to nearly double from 52 million in 2018 to 95 million by 2060. So, find a few friends your own age - and get healthy together.
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